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Texas House Caucus Aims To Address Aging Water Infrastructure In The State

Aging Water Infrastructure In The State

Aging Water Infrastructure In The State

The Texas legislature recently established a new caucus to persuadeiticians to invest some of the state’s surplus funds—currently estimated at $32.7 billion—to enhance structure throughout the state.

The House Water Caucus comprises representatives from both parties, and the Texas Water Foundation, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization, assisted in its formation. Currently, the caucus shall consist of 73 legislators from various parts of Texas.

Water Champions

The primary objectives are to act as a forum for informing other legislators on the water difficulties facing the state, bringing attention to the importance of water as a public concern, and motivating the next generation of water advocates, also known as “water champions.”

“I do expect that the representatives are going to be thinking about the state of our water industry and what the various needs are now plus where there are opportunities for the state to make critical investments right now,” Texas Water Foundation CEO Sarah Schlessinger said.

One of the people serving on the Water Caucus is the Republican representative for Waco, Doc Anderson. He stated in an interview with KWTX News 10 that his goal with the caucus is to act as a voice for both the urban and rural communities located within McLennan County.

”If you take some of those smaller communities, you may have a mayor and city council who don’t have the HR to look into regulations and that sort of thing,” Rep. Anderson said.

In the present day, the population of the state of Texas is slightly higher than 30,029,572 people. If migration continues at that current rate, the state might reach 40 million residents as early as 2049.

Schlessinger stated that the state’s outdated water infrastructure might become increasingly stressed as a result of the state’s growing population.

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”I think for Central Texas thinking about the water that we have available and where we can find efficiencies with the water that is already there and the infrastructure that is being maintained is really going to be key,” Schlessinger said.

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It is also anticipated that the House Water Caucus will investigate whether or not there is anything that can be done to lower the total number of boil notices issued around the state.

“A lot of times those boil notices are occurring because you have a lack of pressure going through the pipes,” Schlesinger said.

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