Rep Colin Allred Challenges Ted Cruz On Senate

On Wednesday, Democratic congressman Colin Allred announced his Senate campaign, saying Texas “can’t afford six more years” of Republican Ted Cruz.

“The political extremism that we are becoming increasingly known for is a real risk to our business community and our path forward,” Allred told The Dallas Morning News in an exclusive interview. It’s deterring some parents from sending their children to school in our state. We can change course.”

Allred’s Senate campaign includes a “Our Team is Texas” video and an interview with The News.

In the video, the former NFL player says he took off his jacket and was ready to fight rioters who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021. He claims Cruz “cheered on the mob” and hid in a supply closet. You can see the youtube video below:

An obvious underdog against Cruz, Allred seeks to convince Texas voters that pragmatism and teamwork are better leadership than selfishness and partisan paralysis.

“We’re not Ted Cruz’s state. “He doesn’t care about families like mine growing up,” Allred told The News. He’s self-centered. Most Texans understand.”

Cruz calls himself a staunch Constitutionalist. Cruz, a 2012 tea party darling, has enjoyed playing the conservative fighter and refusing to compromise on conservative ideals. Cruz campaign spokesman Nick Maddux said Allred “wants men to compete in women’s sports, isn’t serious about addressing the crisis at the border, wants to take away law-abiding Texans’ guns, and is soft on punishing mu*derers.”

Maddux claimed Democrats had again chosen a far-left fanatic for Senate. Colin Allred always votes with Nancy Pelosi and is out of touch with Texas. Allred argues he can win by uniting Texans on multiple issues, including ditching Cruz.

“Texans shouldn’t be embarrassed by their senator,” Allred said. “We can replace it.”

Allred’s candidacy elicited optimism and laughter. Democrats aim to make another strong effort against Cruz after Beto O’Rourke lost to Cruz by 2.6 percentage points in 2018.

“He can beat him,” claimed Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa. “You’re talking about a young, educated lawyer, one of the smartest people I know with an incredible background running against the most hated man in Texas.”

Republican consultant Matthew Langston claimed math and Texas’ GOP dominance hinder Allred.

“The Ted Cruz of today is not the Ted Cruz of 2018, and Allred is no Beto O’Rourke,” Langston added. “I wouldn’t bet against Cruz right now.”

The National Republican Senatorial Committee called Allred “too liberal for Texas” after Allred challenged Cruz.

“Just like Beto O’Rourke, Colin Allred is going to quickly regret giving up his safe House seat to run yet another doomed, Democrat vanity campaign in Texas,” said NRSC spokesman Philip Letsou.

Is Democrat Statewide?

Allred is leaving a safe congressional seat redrawn in 2021 to favor Democrats. The congressman easily won reelection. Allred and O’Rourke share a Senate race strategy. Democrats expect Texas’s growing population will diversify and lessen the redness.

Census Bureau data shows 470,000 people relocated to Texas in 2022. Democrats expect to win votes in Texas’ growing metropolitan counties and suburbs, Allred’s stronghold.

“The only way I’ve gotten where I’ve been is by outworking everybody around me and also relying on other folks who have gone above and beyond to help me,” Allred added. “We’ll work together. “Texans talking to Texans, neighbors talking to neighbors.”

Rep Colin Allred Challenges Ted Cruz On Senate

Democrats have narrowed their state election losses. Abbott defeated Wendy Davis by 20% in 2014. Trump won Texas by 9 points in 2016. He defeated President Joe Biden 5.5 points in 2020. Sen. John Cornyn defeated MJ Hegar by 10 points. Gov. Greg Abbott defeated O’Rourke by 11 points last year. Voter turnout is crucial in any race. Can Allred entice hesitant voters?

He claimed he could defeat Cruz. “In my past races, we’ve tried to appeal to as many people as possible, get as many people engaged in our democracy as possible, and don’t take any voter for granted.”

Allred’s Democratic Senate primary opponent is unknown. Julian Castro, Sylvester Turner, and San Antonio Sen. Roland Gutierrez are other Democratic candidates. Businessman and former Midland City Council member John Love is campaigning. You must check out Texas Prepares For A Storm Season Insurance Crisis.

Playing offense

Allred strongly opposes Cruz, unlike O’Rourke. Cruz like Fox News and three weekly podcasts, Allred said. “I’ve been doing the hard work of finding common ground, passing legislation, and representing folks who I think deserve somebody who’s actually fighting for them.” Allred, a moderate, business-minded Democrat, expected Cruz to label him too liberal for Texas.

Allred said Ted Cruz is the race’s radical. “I’ve proven to be pragmatic.”

Allred called Cruz selfish, citing his questionable trip to Cancún during the 2021 winter storm that k!lled at least 246 people in Texas. Democrats ridicule Cruz for abandoning Texas during the hurricane.

Cancún Cruz is beatable—progressives dislike him. Progress Texas executive director Kathleen Thompson said Republicans don’t like him. Cruz criticized the excursion.

I shouldn’t have done it. After returning to Houston, he informed reporters he was attempting to be a dad. “It is the honor of my life to represent 30 million Texans,” Cruz said of his reelection campaign.

Texas voters are unfamiliar with Allred. He admitted it would be a pricey effort. llred indicated he’ll run on his record.

Congressional Acts

His first legislative endeavor was to protect preexisting condition insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act, a campaign promise. He led the Garland VA Medical Center campaign. He then sponsored a bipartisan bill that authorized the Dallas VA Medical Center Spinal Cord Injury Center and a new veterans medical center in El Paso.

Prairie View A&M University received a $4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to establish a nationwide University Transportation Center in February from Allred’s office. As a Transportation Committee member, he helped pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which would deliver $35 billion to Texas, including hundreds of millions for EV charging, airport enhancements, mass transit, broadband, and road and bridge rehabilitation.

We has given a tweet about the Texas Democratic Rep. Colin Allred announcing a run for US Senate on Wednesday morning, entering the race to challenge incumbent Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in 2024. You can see below:

After Uvalde, he supported bipartisan gun safety measures with Sen. John Cornyn. Allred requested $241 million in earmarks in 2021, Roll Call reported. That was mostly for DFW International Airport projects. The initiatives involve Rep. Beth Van Duyne, R-Irving.

“I try to unite people,” he remarked. Allred will also have to defend his record in a state where Biden, who is seeking for reelection next year, is trailing. Republicans will label him a Pelosi backer. You can see the latest news about Leaving A Legacy In Houston: Lomax On Lomax Visits Houston

Allred’s statement against the Second Amendment and his opposition to a resolution against Washington D.C.’s criminal code reforms, which critics believed would have reduced violent felons’ sentences, were mentioned by the NRSC. Critics of Allred say he talked about unity before and after he voted twice to impeach Trump.

“He’s taken a lot of votes under Nancy Pelosi and taken a ton of stances that work well for a moderate district but don’t really work that well for a conservative state like Texas,” said GOP consultant Langston.

Allred promises to serve Texas. He remarked that his campaign comes at a time when the country and state are split. Politics need not divide people. It can unite.” Whether he wins or loses the Senate campaign, Allred will miss representing District 32. He attended Hillcrest High School.

“I represent not just a district,” he remarked. I represent my hometown.

Allred is confident in his difficult battle. I never lost an election. I won’t start now,” he said.


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