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Texas AG Demands Resignation of “Obviously” Drunk GOP House Speaker

Texas AG Demands Resignation of "Obviously" Drunk GOP House Speaker

Texas AG Demands Resignation of "Obviously" Drunk GOP House Speaker

House Speaker Dade Phelan (R) has been asked on to resign by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton after he presided over the house “in an obviously intoxicated state.” Paxton also demanded that the event be looked into.

“Texans were dismayed to witness his performance presiding over the Texas House in a state of apparent debilitating intoxication,” the attorney general wrote in a statement posted to Twitter on Tuesday. “His conduct has negatively impacted the legislative process and constitutes a failure to live up to his duty to the public.”

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Paxton also requested a probe in a letter. Paxton wrote, “I am calling upon the [General Investigations Committee] to open an investigation into Speaker Dade Phelan for violation of House rules, state law, and for conduct unbecoming his position. Based on a review of Speaker Dade Phelan presiding over the House of Representatives in an obviously intoxicated state.

Over the weekend, a video of Phelan presiding over the Texas House floor while slurring and wobbling at the podium on May 19 went viral.

Phelan has not commented on the event directly. On Monday, he tweeted a photograph of himself “working together” on legislative initiatives with Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. Requests for comment on the situation from Phelan’s office were not immediately fulfilled.

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