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Texas City Looks To The Skies For Traffic Relief With High Tech Gondolas

Texas City Looks To The Skies For Traffic Relief With High Tech Gondolas

Texas City Looks To The Skies For Traffic Relief With High Tech Gondolas

Plano is the first community in North Texas to apply high-tech gondolas to aid with congested traffic regions after the Regional Transportation Council for North Texas issued the invitation.

A proposal for the gondolas, created by Swyft Cities, a business founded by former Google employees who invented the gondolas while working there, was considered and approved by Plano City Council members.

The company claims its cutting-edge gondola system reduces airport, university, and real estate development costs by providing practical, comfortable, and sustainable mobility.

Each gondola would hold around four people, according to Brian Shewski, the transportation engineering manager for Plano, and rides could be arranged and paid for via a smartphone app.

Financial Commitments Status For The Project

Financial commitments have not yet been made for the project, which will only start planning for the city if the proposal is submitted.

The finance for the project is already in place because a private equity firm is supporting it, and Swyft Cities has already completed two of these gondola systems, according to Rick Grady, a member of the Plano Place 3 City Council.

“It’s something that they’ve already experienced and we’re not the first out of the chute,” Grady said at the meeting. “I felt this looked like a very plausible solution.”

Place 2 Councilman Anthony Ricciardelli said he absolutely favored submitting the application.

“It’s a great deal to get in on the front end of something that, if it does work out, could really help traffic in the city,” he said.

Shewski responded that he had already spoken with Swyft Cities and that they utilize facial recognition on each gondola to act as a deterrent in response to Ricciardelli’s concerns about safety. Grady likened the gondolas to unmanned versions of uber cars.

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Grady remarked, “If you want to be the only inhabitant in this, you are the only occupant.” Unlike traditional gondolas, these vehicles are self-propelled and equipped with cutting-edge guiding systems, which the business claims results in speedier trips.

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Its gondolas convey passengers more affordably and with reduced carbon emissions than other forms of transportation by combining an autonomous cabin with light, fixed cable infrastructures.

According to the Swyft Cities website, gondola stations can be erected alongside the upper levels of a structure, elevated, or around the size of conventional bus stops. Cabins move along fixed cable guideways while they wait for passengers. The places can service many routes, manage turns, and evade stops.

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