A Fundraiser For An 80-year-old Janitor In North Texas Who Had To Come Out Of Retirement Tops $160,000

As students at Callisburg High School found out that the janitor needed to come out of retirement to take the position, they began sending donations his way. These contributions are still coming in.

Since it was uploaded a week ago, a GoFundMe page in support of Mr. James, an elderly custodian at the school who is 80 years old and is known to the pupils as Mr. James, has received more than $160,000.

Mr. James Had To Come Out Of Retirement Due To An Increase In Rent

In January, Mr. James began working at the school because, due to an increase in his monthly rent of approximately $400, he was unable to maintain his previous standard of living.

After listening to the story that their new custodian had to tell, three students came up with the idea to launch a fundraising drive with the slogan “Getting Mr. James out of this school.”

The students initially decided that they wanted to raise $10,000, but they quickly surpassed that objective.

Marti Yousko, a senior at Callisburg High School, is the one who came up with the idea to launch the campaign. “When we informed him, he was kind of like, ‘dang, that’s alright!’,” said Yousko.

“Nobody deserves to have to toil away at a job their entire life. They have earned the right to take pleasure in everything, “student Greyson Thurman, who was the one who uploaded the campaign, was quoted as saying.

Mr. James was approached by FOX 4 about participating in an interview. He declined, but he was fine with others hearing his tale and sharing it with others.

As of Wednesday, the Callisburg Independent School District has confirmed that Mr. James is still employed by the district and has not communicated his intention to resign to anyone in the district at this time.

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