32.2% of Texans Work in Analytical Positions

With significant advancements in artificial intelligence in recent years, AI is rapidly becoming a part of people’s everyday life.

The advent of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, DALL-E 2, and Stable Diffusion in 2022 drew public attention and intuitively illustrated AI’s promise. As a result, tech titans such as Microsoft, Alphabet, and Meta are rushing to integrate new AI technologies into their popular businesses.

Despite the tremendous potential of AI and machine learning, these developing technologies have also sparked anxieties about job loss. These tools have the potential to perform many tasks that were previously thought to be more challenging to automate, from design to customer service to computer programming.

But, concerns about automation are not new, and history demonstrates that while technological innovation may remove certain professions, it also frequently generates new ones needing different skill sets.

32.2% of Texans Work in Analytical Positions

The data utilized in this research comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and O*NET Online. To find the locations with the highest concentration of analytical workers, Smartest Dollar researchers calculated the percentage of all workers in analytical jobs or occupations that rank in the top 50% of O*NET’s Critical Thinking index. In the event of a tie, the location having the most people employed in analytical jobs was placed higher.

Here is a summary of the data for Texas:

  • Percentage of all workers in analytical occupations: 32.2%
  • The concentration of workers in analytical occupations (compared to average): -4.7%
  • Total workers in analytical occupations: 3,939,890
  • Honest workers in non-analytical occupations: 8,286,280

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For reference, here are the statistics for the entire United States:

  • Percentage of all workers in analytical occupations: 33.8%
  • The concentration of workers in analytical occupations (compared to average): N/A
  • Total workers in analytical occupations: 47,664,140
  • Honest workers in non-analytical occupations: 93,222,170

What Percentage of All Workers In Analytical Occupations

In today’s digital economy, these analytical jobs have become increasingly important and will likely remain so as more businesses rely on technology.

Twenty years ago, 29.4% of the workforce comprised analytical employees, defined as occupations that rank in the top 50% for NET’s Critical Thinking index. Its percentage is currently 33.8%, down somewhat from its peak of 35.6% in 2020.32.2% of Texans Work in Analytical Positions

Geographically, state and local economic considerations influence the demand for workers in analytical jobs. Massachusetts, Maryland, and Connecticut have the most significant proportions of workers in analytical occupations due to their populations’ high educational attainment and their industries’ need for additional analytical workers.

On the other hand, Nevada’s economy heavily depends on hospitality and the service sector, where analytical abilities are less in demand.

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